
If you miss Christmas, like me


My dear followers, how has everyone been? Good? Great. That’s nice to hear. I like hearing that people are doing well.

Well I am back here, once again, to post about the thoughts that just cannot seem to leave my mind. I have been meaning to do for quite some time now, not wanting to label this blog as “abandoned” per se, but I would always quit my post mid-sentence and it inevitably turns into a mere draft. Perhaps I will finish those posts and publish them. Someday. This post was actually one of them, and I am deciding to post it now because I absolutely loathe the hot weather here right now (more of a winter person) and I miss Christmastime and wearing my big, thick coats dearly.

Looking through my archive for the past few months, I find that the theme of my posts have been making a gradual transition from quirky teen obsessions (cough jfk cough) to, for lack of a better word, expressive text posts. I mean of course I still obsess over things, true to my scorpio nature, but my emotions have been taking a toll lately. In the past couple of months, I have been starting life as a college student and it has sure stirred some new feelings within me, although I’m not sure if they’re good or bad. I like college, I do. To an extent. The stress gets to me one too many times. It’s like junior year in abundance.

However, I would like to get back to posting about my current obsessions because I like to use this blog as documentation and it’s fun to go back and see what I used to like throughout the months/years. Also, Christmas has got to be one if not THE most favorite time of the year for me. The lights, the music, the decorations, everything is so warm and cozy all around (not to mention aesthetically pleasing), and the thought of giving really brings you down to your roots. I like to make the most of this season, because it always seems so short! I’ve compiled some of my favorite Christmas themed music, movies, etc. to get the spirit flowing. There’s probably much more where this came from, but I’ve narrowed it down to my favorite few. So without further ado, here it goes:


  • Idina Menzel & Michael Buble’s “Baby It’s Cold”: such cute little kids. Michael Buble’s whole Christmas album in general is great during cold winter dinners.

  • Ariana Grande’s “Santa Tell Me”: I have a soft spot for modern pop.

  • Wham’s “Last Christmas”: classic and timeless. Can never go wrong with this song.

  • Justin Bieber’s “Mistletoe”: because the music video is cute as heck.

  • Nsync’s “I Never Knew the Meaning of Christmas”: their whole Christmas album is awesome, but this is personally my favorite song from that album.

  • Mariah Carey’s “Al I Want for Christmas is You”: instant classic.


Movies/TV Shows:

  • I’ll Be Home for Christmas: most underrated Christmas movie EVER! Cracks me up every time I watch it!
  • Elf: a hilarious classic that never gets old. Although, Will Ferrell in that Elf costume kind of disturbs me.
  • Just Friends: If you’re sick of Love Actually, like me, then this Christmas-themed rom com will surely satisfy you. Not to mention Ryan Reynolds is in it.
  • Pretty Little Liars Xmas Special (5×14): enjoyed it more than I thought I would, and the ending scene is so picturesque that it is now included on my bucket list.


Hot Chocolate. It’s a given. Also, check out these recipes:

In my younger years, I remember resenting Christmas because of personal reasons. But strangely enough, it was Bethany Mota who showed me that Christmas isn’t just awkward family dinners and painstaking conversations about “how’s school” and “you should lose weight”, but it is about spending time with people you truly love and care about, the wonderful essence of gift giving, and that Christmas is a holiday to cherish. Behind the commercialization of Christmas, lies a fun time filled with festivities and snuggling up with a cup of hot chocolate, wearing beanies and scarves, and catching snowflakes on your tongue. So, my friends, may Christmas of 2015 await. Because I am sure that it will come much sooner than we think.

Got any other Christmas-related things to share? Don’t be afraid to comment below! Until next time, my dear readers. Time to get back to the fun that is Calculus homework /sarcasm